Hello and welcome to the Elton Primary School and Nursery's PTFA. 


We are the committee of the Elton Primary School and Nursery’s Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (known as ‘the PTFA’), an organisation whose purpose is to support and enhance the education of the children at Elton Primary and Nursery.  At the beginning of the academic year 2022, we held our first AGM, to set up the new association and to vote for the members of the committee. After a successful year, we are now into our second year of the PTFA having had our second AGM on 7th November 2023.

The aim of this webpage is to keep you up-to-date with our plans and to hopefully encourage more parents and friends of Elton to join our committee and raise funds for the children of Elton Primary School and Nursery.


Who are we?

We are a group of parents, teachers, and friends of Elton Primary School and Nursery who all have an invested interest in providing more opportunities for our children.


We are always looking for new members to join the committee so please contact us if you feel you have ideas or time to offer: You don't need to attend each PTFA meeting or event, you can offer as little or as much time as you can- this might be supporting us at the events, supporting us in planning events or raising money behind the scenes.


Next PTFA Meeting

5th March 2024
If you would like to attend please email us, at


Our previous events from 2022-2023:

Events so far:


Non-uniform day

KS1 disco

KS2 disco

Christmas stalls

KS1 movie night

Each month, we had a class cake sale

bingo for families

KS2 sleepover

Y6 leavers’ event 


Coffee Morning- 13th October

Autumn Disco- 13th October

Non-uniform day- 7th November

Christmas stalls- 8th December

Valentine Disco- 2nd February



Our up-coming and proposed events 2023-2024:


Monthly cake sales

22nd March- Bingo

Leavers Event-July



Dates for your Diaries

Tuesday 6th Feb- Y4 cake sale 
Tuesday 5th March- Y3 cake sale
5th March PTFA meeting
22nd March- Bingo
Tuesday 16th April- bring a bottle 


We rely on companies and businesses to donate prizes to us– if you think you could help or know of any businesses that could, please email us.


Money Raised 2023-2024


Y5 Cake Sale- £85

Christmas Fair- £731.92

Local Community donation from Father Christmas- £109.36

Our current bank balance: £2836.58


We meet roughly once a half-term at the school and are looking for more parents and friends to join our association!  If you can’t make our next meeting but would be willing to help out with organising events or volunteering at events then please email us at


Contact and Follow Us

Facebook   Elton Primary School and Nursery PTFA
Phone 01244667750




Files to Download

Elton Primary School
School Lane, Elton,
Cheshire CH2 4LT
Headteacher: Mr Kevin Manning
Main Contact: Miss E Jackson, Mrs C Davies or Mrs K Henderson
SENCO - Mrs Samantha Higginson